Author Guidelines

Editorial fees

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega does not charge any fee for processing, editing or publishing an article. The process is completely free and, from issue 18, contents are provided in open access.

Submitting a contribution


The journal’s style guidelines has been compiled in the following downloadble document: normas_de_estilo_CFG.pdf.

In addition to following the journal’s guidelines, if you wish to submit an article that belongs to the “ESTUDOS/PAPERS” section, it is highly recommended that you use our template. Please, DOWNLOAD IT HERE in any of the following file formats: CFG_template_autores.odt CFG_template_autores.dotx

Reviewing process

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega applies a double-blind peer review process to all the contributions in which the reviewers do not belong to our editorial board. In order to find these reviewers, the Editorial Assistant will have a minimum of ten days and a maximum of twenty. However, if special difficulty in achieving this task occurs (due to the specificity of the article’s subject or language), that deadline may be extended.

The deadline for potentially publishable works during the current year is October, 24 (any delay must be duly justified). Articles submitted before the deadline that meet the minimum criteria to be published will be anonymized and sent to two reviewers that are expert in the field who must issue a report on:

A contribution will be published if the two reports are positive. If just one of the reviews suggests its publication, then the contribution will be sent to a third reviewer, whose assessment will be considered irrevocable. Reviewers must send their reviewing report to within one month at the latest since the reception of the article. On another note, the Editorial Assistant will inform the author of the reviewers’ decision, which can be the final or conditional (that is, subject to changes) acceptance of the article or its rejection. This notification must be sent to the author within ten days since the reception of the reviewers’ deliberation.

If the reports recommend the publication only if it is modified, authors must undertake the suggested changes within fifteen days. The same deadline applies to authors who wish to make a statement against the suggested modifications. Once the modified contribution has been received, the Editorial Board will have ten days to agree on its publication or its final rejection. Editors may make slight amendments to the submitted contributions with the sole purpose of correcting typographical or linguistic errors.

Management of post publication issues and possible correction/retraction of published articles

Once the articles have been edited, these will be sent to the corresponding authors so that they can inform of any necessary emendations. Such notification must be made via email within one week. Subsequently, the Editorial Team will check whether the notified errors or deficiencies were, in fact, committed. If so, and depending on their significance, a solution will be agreed between the two parties:

Although authors will retain the copyright of their work, exploitation and dissemination rights will belong to the Centro Ramón Piñeiro, which retains the copyright of the journal. This research centre will be the one who decides on which bibliographical databases and repositories from all around the world the articles will be included, as specified in the journal’s credits, as well as in the “Impact and Visibility” section of this website.

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega operates under a license CC-BY-NC-ND, which allows third parties to share the work, provided that its authors and its original publication are indicated. However, the content of the publication may not be used for commercial purposes and cannot be altered, transformed, or built upon. Futhermore, authors can reuse their work for non-commercial purposes. This means that, as soon as the article is published, authors are encouraged to disseminate it through non-commercial media (i.e.: institutional repositories, personal websites, social networks, platforms such as ResearchGate,, etc.). If authors intend to make an unauthorized use, they should contact the editorial board to discuss the matter.