
Number of contributions per published issue
Number Year Contributions (articles + reviews)
24 2023 17 (8 + 9)
23 2022 19 (7 + 12)
22 2022 17 (9 + 8)
21 2021 11 (6 + 5)
20 2021 12 (5 + 7)
19 2019 13 (7 + 6)
18 2017 13 (7 + 6)
17 2016 12 (5 + 7)
16 2015 23 (12 + 11)
15 2014 28 (18 + 10)
14 2013 27 (14 + 13)
13 2012 24 (14 + 10)
12 2010 22 (16 + 6)
11 2009 20 (14 + 6)
10 2008 23 (14 + 9)
9 2007 19 (14 + 5)
8 2006 15 (11 + 4)
7 2005 21 (15 + 6)
6 2004 20 (15 + 5)
5 2003 (Monograph)
4 2003 10
3 2003 (Monograph)
2 2000 (Monograph)
1 2000 (Monograph)

Contributions per year graph

Acceptance / rejection rates
Number Number of received articles Number of accepted articles Rates
24 8 8 100 % / 0 %
23 10 7 70 % / 30 %
22 9 9 100 % / 0 %
Total average article acceptance rate: 90 %