
“Balance/Outcome” is a section of Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega where all the information related to the journal can be consulted. This information contains the alphabetical indexes of all published articles, compilations and reviews, the index of news and publications received by the Editorial Board, the index of authors and articles classified by theme and phraseological field, a list with the institutions of the collaborators, and the total number of phraseological units that have been published within the compilations classified according to their category. The “Outcome” is actualized in every published issue. Download.

Bibliography: proceedings of the Tavira conferences

Since 2007 and on an yearly basis, the Associação Internacional de Paremiologia / International Association of Paremiology (AIP-IAP) has organized an international conference on paremiology in Tavira (Portugal). After each conference, the corresponding proceedings have also been published. To spread the research related to the phraseological and paremiological fields, Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega included a section in “NEWS” where all these proceedings were compiled. From issue 21, the journal just compiles the proceedings of the corresponding year. However, for ease of reference, the full version of this section has been included in our web. Download.

Academic Works Database

One of the aims of Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega is to promote the compilation of research on phraseology from Galicia and abroad. This is the reason why in the section “NEWS”, a compilation of academic work has been included. Nevertheless, for ease of reference, a database of academic works of all types, from all around the world and deeply related to Phraseology has been developed by the Editorial Board. Periodically actualized, the database can be download in this link: Descargar.

If you think an academic work should be included in our database, we would appreciate if you could send an email to paremias@cirp.gal including the following information: title, type of work (“Bachelor’s thesis”, “Master’s thesis”, “PhD Thesis/Doctoral dissertation” or “Other”), author, supervisor, academic institution and year in which the academic work has been defended.