
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statements (PEMS)

Editorial Board

The editorial team of Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega (CFG) is committed to the scientific community regarding the ethics and quality of all articles and papers published. Our publication meets the requirements of the Core Practices established by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) in order to regulate ethical matters in scientific journals. Furthermore, it guarantees the quality of the published materials, protecting and respecting their content and accuracy, as well as operating under the principle of non-discrimination. The editorial team —composed by the Scientific Board and the Editorial Board— pledges to publish corrections, clarifications, and apologies when necessary.

CFG provides on its website information concerning the article selection and evaluation process, besides the criteria to be followed by the reviewers. CFG only accepts original and unpublished works, and it uses the anonymous double-blind peer review system conducted by external reviewers.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts for the same year of publication is on March, 1 (any deferrals must be duly justified). Articles received on time and approved by the Editorial Board —given that they meet the minimum requirements to be published— are referred anonymously to two expert reviewers. Our journal ensures confidentiality throughout the evaluation process, including the anonymity of reviewers and authors, the evaluated content, the resulting reports issued by the reviewers, and every communication issued by the Editorial Board. Statements concerning possible clarifications or modifications —sent by any author to the journal’s boards or to reviewers— are also confidential. In addition, the Editorial Board undertakes to oversee the review process to guarantee their highest quality. If a review is suspected to have been fraudulent, the Editorial Board will investigate the situation and act consequently.

The Editorial and Scientific Boards will take measures to identify and avoid the publication of articles where research misconduct has taken place, and in no case this bad practice will be encouraged nor allowed. In the event that the editorial team is made aware of suspected bad practices, the editor-in-chief must deal with such reports appropriately.

Obviously, plagiarism —the use of other people’s material or ideas without properly citing them—, including self-plagiarism —the use of one’s own published material without citing its source—, is a fraudulent practice, and it is strictly forbidden. In the event that the contribution is an excerpt or adaptation of a doctoral thesis or any other type of academic work (e.g.: Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis, etc.), authors must inform the Editorial Team when submitting the contribution. Once the double-blind peer review process is done and the article has been accepted (with or without modifications), a footnote explaining this situation must be included at the beginning of the document. Otherwise, it will be considered plagiarism.

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega check all submissions to guarantee that they do not contain any kind of plagiarism by using resources and tools intended for this purpose. Thus, texts identified as plagiarised will be deleted from the journal if they had already been published or will not be published at all. In this regard, the Editorial Team will take into account all the retractions and corrections that may happen. If an author wishes to amend a mistake, a note stating this situation will be included in the next published volume. These corrections are usually reserved for articles with blatant errors in their results or conclusions. A contribution will only be removed from the website under exceptional circumstances, such as (1) detected plagiarism, (2) the need to comply with our legal obligations, or (3) the suspicion that legal consequences could be faced due to an article containing material that could be considered confidential, defamatory, a violation of someone’s privacy or contrary to legislation concerning confidentiality and intellectual property. In such cases, an announcement clearly explaining the reason for removing the article will be added to the journal’s website.

The Editorial Board reserves its right to make minor modifications in received papers in order to correct any mechanical, linguistic or stylistic mistake. If a contribution has been written in a language other than Galician, the editorial team will provide a translation service into Galician free of charge. This translation will make use of inclusive language and will avoid gender discrimination.

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega is strongly committed to open research. Therefore, our journal is Open-Access, being available online from the moment of its publication. CFG is also indexed in the Directory of Open-Access Journals (better known as DOAJ), whose principles the Editorial Team also subscribes to.


As a general rule, Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega will consider that a contributor is an author when they have greatly participated in the design, analysis or interpretation of the information presented in a work. Notwithstanding, a contributor may also be considered an author if they have designed the research and critically reviewed it, contributing with relevant intellectual content.

To ensure transparency of the authorships, all the scientific contributions published by our journal must include the ORCID of all their authors. Moreover, their institution(s) and contact email —which must be the official one when possible— should be provided along with the author’s unique researcher ID.

If a contribution has multiple authors, all of them must have significantly contributed to it so they can be considered “co-authors”. They must also declare that they all agree on publishing their work and that said research has not been published or submitted elsewhere. In this regard, co-authors must be able to identify which parts of the article were each of them responsible for. Furthermore, a contact person —known as “contact author”— must be established. This author should be committed to proof-read and correct the manuscript, as well as to act as a representative of the other co-authors when it comes to answer the queries of the Editorial Team.

Authors are committed to comply with the journal’s standards, which are set out in the Author’s Guidelines, and to make the amendments suggested by the reviewers after the peer review process. Should they disagree with any of the review suggestions, they must send to the editorial team the reviewed version along with a statement explaining clearly and justifiably the reasons for the disagreement. Should authors notice any mistake in their manuscripts during the editing process, this fact must be immediately reported to the editorial team.

Publishing in CFG is not remunerated or paid, and it carries no right to compensation, either. Likewise, the evaluation, editing and translation into Galician is free of charge for all the authors. To ensure that no conflicts of interest are produced, a footnote stating all the funds received to carry out the research should be added. Authors must also notify this situation to the editorial team when submitting their contribution.

Authors must submit entirely original manuscripts. Also, they must ensure that such works have not been submitted to other journals nor published elsewhere, fully or partly. If references to other works are included, these must be appropriately cited to avoid plagiarism. In no case the editorial team could be held responsible for any possible infringement of intellectual property rights by the authors. In such cases, editors will take all necessary measures to comply with their legal obligations.

When publishing in Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, authors assign their exploitation rights to the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades —based in Santiago de Compostela (Spain)—, which is the copyright owner according to the conditions and limitations established by the intellectual property law.

In any case, Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega operates under a Creative-Commons licence, CC-BY-NC-ND, which allows third parties to share the work, provided that its authors and its original publication are indicated. However, the content of the publication may not be used for commercial purposes and cannot be altered, transformed, or built upon —which includes translations—. Given the restrictions of the CC-BY-NC-ND licence and with the aim of allowing a more extensive use of their contribution, authors can reuse their work for non-commercial purposes. This means that, as soon as the article is published, authors are encouraged to disseminate it through non-commercial media (i.e.: institutional repositories, personal websites, social networks, platforms such as ResearchGate,, etc.). TIf authors intend to make an unauthorized use, they should contact the editorial board to discuss the matter via or

By agreeing to the Terms of our journal, authors declare that their contribution and all the material related to it are original and do not infringe copyright legislation.


Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega applies a double-blind peer review process to all the submitted contributions. This means that authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Team must ensure anonimity and confidentiality during the whole process. Please, refer to Double-Blind Peer Review for more information, which can be found in About the journal.

Reviewers must act according to our PEMS, as well as to the COPE’s Guidelines for Peer Reviewers. Therefore:

To any query about our PEMS or to report that any of the contributions may not adhere to it, please send an email to Our Editorial Team is committed to ensure confidentiality whenever possible when dealing with this type of queries.

To any comment or doubt about the licence, reusing material from our issues (including translation) or a copyright infringement, you may contact us at or

To streamline the process, it would be highly appreciated if you could include the code “CFG + [licence/reusing material/copyright/PEMS]” in the subject of your email.